Monday, April 15, 2013

Master Bedroom - Pallet Artwork

One of my crafty projects over Spring Break was completing some pallet artwork for our master bedroom, which I am happy to share with you today!  I took my inspiration from Pintrest of course and here are the results:

I am certainly no expert in painting letters and because I did not trust myself to freehand the entire verse I used a stencil for most of the words. My hubby cut down the pallets and put them together for me. To get the color I first painted them with some left over cream(ish) paint and then did a light coat of dark walnut stain over top. I then sanded everything down to create a more rustic look. Again- I have read some tutorials on different ways to make pallet artwork, but in the end I kind of made up my own way!

Here's how it looks in our bedroom:

I love how they look over our nightstands! And don't you just love those lamps? They were a present, but I happen to know they came from Kohls! 

You may remember from a previous post that we also have this pallet artwork in our bedroom as well: 

Happy crafting and decorating!


  1. Those are so cute!! Did you use a stencil for the letters or free hand? Love your bread spread as well :)

  2. Carol, I love your pallet crafts! They look great! I may be trying this sometime soon :)

  3. Thanks! I used a stencil for most of the letters .. the cursive(ish) letters I free handed. Our bedspread just came from Wal-Mart actually .. it took a long time to find one that Justin didn't think was too girly.
