Monday, November 23, 2015

10 newborn must haves!

I know I haven't been a mom for very long, and I am certainty not an expert, but I have found a few favorite items during these last few weeks since bringing Kynli home. There are a lot of different baby products out there, but here is my list of must have's for a newborn! 

1) Swaddle sacks (via Target and Babies R Us)

Kynli loves to be cozy in her swaddles and it lets her know that it is time to sleep! Regular muslin blankets work great for swaddling as well, but these swaddle sacks are much simpler and easier for those middle of the night feedings! They even have a little slit to check on baby's diaper without unswaddling. Plus, we found that were were able to get the swaddle sacks tighter than using a regular muslin blanket, which minimizes those little arms trying to break free.

Unless you plan on doing laundry in the middle of the night, I recommend that you should have 3 or 4 of the small/medium sized sacks.

2) Sound machine (via Target)

 This is the exact Muchkin Nursery Projector Sound Machine that we have. There are many sound options and the nightlight is super helpful for being able to check on baby at night. I have even learned how to change diapers and feed using just this light.

 3) A basket with diapers, wipes, extra burp cloth, and any other essentials (idea via Two Twenty One)

 Keep the essentials close no matter which room you are in. I found this to be extremely important to have in our bedroom for night time. Right now, my stash includes diapers, wipes, and burp cloths. Other items you might need could be a pacifier, swaddle, diaper rash cream, Germ X, and a toy or two.

4) Zip up pajamas (via Carters)

When you are feeling sleep deprived, those little snaps on baby's PJs become even more difficult! Save yourself some trouble and get baby some PJ's that zip up. So much easier!

5) Carseat canopy (via

Help keep baby warm, dry and protected from curious onlookers by using a carseat canopy to cover them up when you are out. This is especially important if your baby is born during cold weather, like Kynli. Our doctor even commented on how they can help keep germs away!

I bought ours for a very reasonable price from This website offers coupons for "free" canopies and you only pay the shipping, making it much cheaper than any where else I looked.

6) Monitor

Laying your baby down and leaving the room is tough for first time parents! We didn't see a need to go overboard and use a video monitor, but it definitely helps to put our minds at ease to be able to hear her. Kynli has yet to sleep in her crib at night, but when she does we will be trying out the motion detection as well.

7) Bassinet, rocker, or co-sleeper (via Target, Babies R Us, Wal-Mart)

You will want baby close to you during those first few weeks before they move to their crib (or for much longer if Justin would let me!) Of course, everyone has their own opinion about infant sleep, but we knew we did not want Kynli in bed with us. We ended up using this Ingenuity Rock and Play and we love how easily portable it is! It is a cozy and soft bed that we can move to whatever room we are in.

8) Boppy and an extra cover (via Target, Babies R Us)

We have seriously considered toting the Boppy pillow around with us when we go out somewhere! The Boppy is a must to aid in nursing and feeding, as well as a place for baby to sit or have some tummy time. Your baby might be little, but your arms quickly become tired and need some support!

I recommend that you also have an extra cover for when baby spits up and you need to wash one.

9) Multiple changing pad covers (via Target, Babies R Us, Wal-Mart)

Accidents happen, and often! I recommend that you have 3 or 4 covers for when those accidents happen!

10) Plenty of laundry detergent and stain remover

I can't tell you how many times I have thought to myself over the last few weeks how such a tiny person could possibly generate so much laundry! Kynli usually goes through multiple outfits a day, burp cloths, blankets, and the list just goes on and on. Accidents happen, and they happen on you too, which means I go through multiple outfits as well. I do a lot of laundry these days.

 The type and brand of detergent that you use is completely up to you. I can't say that I personally use "baby" laundry detergent (have you seen how much it costs?!) and Kynli's skin seems just fine! 

 What else would you add to this list?

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