Saturday, August 22, 2015

so long summer

Hi friends,

School starts Monday. How did this happen so quickly?? How is summer over?? August always comes with a mixed bag of emotions of being excited for the new school year and sad that summer has already come and gone. I already miss the slow pace of July!

I officially went back to work last Tuesday and I am exhausted! But somehow my room is finished (minus a rug) and I met most of my new kiddos at Open House Thursday.

 However, before the end of summer, last weekend we took one last summer trip with the youth to Fort Caswell Beach on Oak Island  for a retreat called SpiritUs. Did I mention it is beautiful there? The weekend was full of worship, learning new things about poverty, and lots of fun down time.

We spent a few hours this weekend checking out Old Salem, a historic Moravian village in downtown Winston Salem. I can't say we were crazy about the museum tour, but it was a neat place to visit at least once. Plus, we had a Groupon, so half price! :)

Also, we grew sunflowers for the first time this year and they are beautiful!

Well, so long summer 2015!

What have you been up to these few weeks of summer? 

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree about August! It's like you can't enjoy the remaining weeks of summer because you know that school is on the horizon and there's much to be done! There's also the excitement of a fresh start and new kiddos!
