Wednesday, December 31, 2014

cheers to the year! 2014

 (one last Sunset as the hours count down to 2015!)

Ya'll, another year is coming to a close! Hopes and dreams for 2015 will be coming soon, but first I wanted to reflect on the year that was 2014!

In January I once again made a commitment to the One Word Resolution. My word was content, a continuation of my 2013 word, grateful It has been a continuous process of learning to become more grateful and content in whatever circumstances I find myself in. The Lent challenge I shared part of with you was a great opportunity to see growth in this area!

Content turned out to be a very appropriate word for year as the hubby and I had a year of great change and transition. We closed the chapter on our lives in Georgia as Justin graduated and we said goodbye to our jobs and church family. While there are many things I miss, I am grateful for the life we are building here as well! I've been surprised by how easily we have adjusted and so very grateful to have finally found a job that I like and a school that seems like a good fit. And just in case we didn't get enough moving in, we moved again in November!

That's the thing about marriage. Sometimes you uproot and move to far away destinations just to be together. You make sacrifices on where you live and in your career, but ya'll, I promise the adventure is worth it.

Some of the other words I wanted to hold on to for 2014 were adventure, open, capturing moments, and unconditional .. all words I could still  stand to keep working with! We didn't end up taking a vacation on our own but I did take the time to be still, listen, and be open to God's call in my life. And loving unconditionally, well, its necessary to remind myself of this on a daily basis. :)

Favorite moments from 2014:

*LOTS of snow days in Jan and Feb and ice storm!

*Justin graduating from seminary in May and being comissioned as as Provisional Elder in the UMC in June

*Celebrating our 3rd anniversary in June!

*Honduras Mission Trip in June- by far the most meaningful experience of 2014!

 *Family vacation to Hilton Head Island

 *Moving from Georgia to North Carolina! We sold our house in May and packed up all our belongings for the 6 hour journey north. Justin started his new job in July and I started my new job in August! There are many things I miss about our life in Georgia, but I am so grateful for the one we are building here as well. 

*Time spent camping and hiking- it does my soul good!

 *Exploring our new surroundings here in the Triad and spending time back home in the mountains with family! Plus getting to know our new church!

*Buying a house in November!

 *Oh and lots of moments, adventures and opportunities to love with this guy ... he's the best thing to hold on as we enter the new year! :)

happy new year friends .. make it a good one!

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